This blog is written by an academic-to-be gone rebel or practical, at least for the time being. I decided to start teaching Finnish because it frustrates me that so many people find it impossible to learn, and I think the situation can be amended by using the right kind of teaching methods. While guiding students to learn Finnish, I have received a lot of questions ranging from things to do to cultural norms.
This blog is an attempt to help you enjoy all things Finnish, and understand things that you find puzzling. I welcome any suggestions for topics to cover. I am born and raised Finnish, with about 40 years of experience in intercultural contexts both in private & public life, so what I am offering you is the point of view of Finn who has some understanding of what it is like to be surrounded by a culture you do not quite understand. As there are about 5.5 million Finns, others might have different, equally Finnish points of view. Hence the views and suggestions offered here are personal unless stated otherwise. And, no, no-one is paying me to do this, if I recommend something, it is because I personally consider it worth recommending. Since you are here, or are otherwise interested in Finland, I think it would be a pity if you never find some of the things I think are among the best Finland has to offer.
Comments ad questions are welcome!